Southern Association For Vascular Surgery

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Obtaining Seal in the False Lumen
Marc Salhanick, Carlos Timaran
UTSW, Dallas, TX

Sealing the false lumen of a complex type B aortic dissection with aneurysmal degeneration presents many challenges. We report the case of a 62 year old male who presented with Type II extent thoracoabdominal aneurysmal degeneration of his type B dissection. His repair was performed in multiple stages in order to seal the false lumen, including a custom TEVAR with 46 mm to 22mm taper followed by custom branched device both from Cook Medical INC. Strategies employed included candy plug technique, trans-graft embolization, and custom design of TEVAR to have an outer graft to oppose the aortic wall for seal with inner tapered piece to create seal zone for branched device. This case highlights the need for employing multiple strategies to seal the false lumen beyond excluding the entry tear and the need for multiple interventions.

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