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Robotic Assisted Laparoscopic Splenic Artery Aneurysm Resection
Charudatta B Bavare, Jacob Basil Watson, Alan B Lumsden
Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX

OBJECTIVES: This case demonstrates the technical details and successful outcome of robotic assisted laparoscopic splenic artery aneurysm excision. This video presentation highlights how the DaVinci robotic surgery system can be used to precisely visualize and safely dissect around vascular structures, techniques and equipment used to gain vascular control, and offer definitive treatment of splanchnic artery aneurysmal disease not amenable to an endovascular approach.
METHODS: A 38-year-old woman with no past medical history was found to have an incidentally identified 2.2 cm diameter distal third splenic artery aneurysm and was referred to vascular surgery clinic for evaluation. She was not currently pregnant, however was undergoing in-vitro fertilization. She requested definitive treatment of her aneurysm, did not want multiple procedures, and wanted to get pregnant within the year with her IVF treatments, and hence not amenable to axial imaging for follow up. On review of imaging, the aneurysm sac contained 1 large feeding branch and 2 draining branches. All branches were highly tortuous, and after review of the anatomy it was determined that a splenic artery aneurysm ligation vs reconstruction would be preferred over an endovascular approach. A 5mm port was placed in the right upper quadrant for placement of a liver retractor, four 8mm ports were placed at 8cm intervals, 14cm inferior to the xiphoid process, for the DaVinci robotic instruments, and a 12mm assist port was placed inferiorly. Dissection was carried along the greater curvature of the stomach, temporary gastropexy was performed of the greater curvature of the stomach to the anterior abdominal wall for retraction, The proximal splenic artery was identified at the superior border of the pancreas, dissected free, controlled with a modified Rommel tourniquet using silastic vessel loops and 1 cm long 20 Fr red rubber catheter. Dissection of the aneurysm and remaining branches was carried out using a combination of sharp dissection and bipolar cautery. Test occlusion of the proximal splenic artery demonstrated preserved collaterals and adequate perfusion of the spleen. The decision was made to ligate the splenic artery and resect the aneurysm instead of primary repair. All arterial inflow and outflow branches were clipped and divided with the vessel sealer using standard technique. The aneurysm was completely excised and placed in a specimen retrieval bag and removed from the body. The patient recovered well, received post-splenectomy vaccines, and was discharged home on post-op day four in good health.
RESULTS: Successful robotic assisted laparoscopic splenic artery aneurysm excision.
CONCLUSIONS: Robotic assisted laparoscopic surgery is a valuable tool to definitively treat distal splenic artery aneurysms or highly tortuous arteries, which have traditionally required open surgical resection/ligation or reconstruction. This video shows how these difficult lesions can be approached and precisely visualized, dissected and controlled using a robotic assisted laparoscopic surgical approach on the DaVinci surgical platform and highlights several techniques for exposure and vascular control of splenic artery aneurysms, with a minimally invasive approach.
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