Southern Association For Vascular Surgery

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Open Aortoesophageal Fistula Repair after TEVAR
Ross G McFall, Ahmed Mohamed, Thomas Macgillivray
Houston Methodist Hospital, Houston, TX

OBJECTIVES: To demonstrate the open treatment of an aortoesophageal fistula and the technical details of the procedure, as well as the successful outcome of the procedure. Bring to light a rare long-term complication of a relatively new endovascular option of TEVAR.
METHODS: Open surgical repair of the esophageal perforation and removal of infected endograft as well as repair of TAAA.
RESULTS: Successful removal of infected TEVAR endograft and repair of TAAA and esophageal perforation with a positive outcome and technical success.
CONCLUSIONS: Given the large increase of TEVAR for management of dissection and TAAA, more complications such as infected endograft and aortoesophageal fistula can arise. This video shows an open surgical approach can manage this serious complication.

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